Sonntag, 19. April 2009

hair - Desederia

desederia ad copy copy

Desederia is two tailed hairstyle made of static curls with several bangs falling in your face.
There are several different hairbands available!

free demos are available at my

on on MVX:

spiked hairbands

spiked collar & wristbands

cutie hairbands


spikey hairbandspikey collars
cutie haarband

Hair - Meridian

meridian ad copy copy
Meridian is medium to very long hair, completely flexy.
it comes with a white diadem and hairpin scriptet in 26 colors.

free demos are available at my

on on MVX:


My Heart collar and belt

my heart

My Heart collar and belt
both hearts are color scriptet in 26 colors
Price: 50 L$

available at my

on on slx:

My heart

outfit cage

cage ad

Cage is a complete outfit including:
texture body (all Layers)
upper arms
upper leg
texture stockings

free demos are available at my

on on slx:







cage mosscage purple
cage bloodcage waters
cage silver

diamond galaxy eyes

diamond galaxy copy

Anime sized eyes made of real pictures of the circinus galaxy!
every eye is 15 L$, fatpack 60 L$

free demos are available at my

on on slx:








Prim eyes

prim eyes ad copy

including right and left prim eyes for both colors.
you can mix and match or use the sets if put together.
every pair costs 25 L$.

free demos are available at my

on on slx:

free pink/blue stars


passion/blue ocean


diamond galaxy pink/dreamy

diamond galaxy pink/sea

diamond galaxy green/dreamy

diamond galaxy fire/green

diamond galaxy fire/blue

diamond galaxy sea/blue

Hair - Yumi

yumi ad

yumi is medium short hairstyle with several hairstrands poking out of hairknots. the hair is combed backwards ending in a big, chaotic hairknot.
every pack includes a full version, a version without the two front hairknots so they dont interfere with neko ears and (human) ear cover.
Texture scriptet like all other hairs!

free demos are available at my

on on MVX:


silk - Skullz

Skullz copy

skullz silks are made of low shiny bones with little skulls on the bra and the silks. bra, silks and upper arm parts are separate color scriptet 28 colors.
the silks are strip scriptet with the deadkitties strip script using the /me function and 3 answers for yes/no.

upper arms

free demos are available at my

on on slx:



Freitag, 17. April 2009

Neko tails "myu"

myu tail copy
Moving neko tails with a cute bow, the tail fur is texture scriptet in all haircolors from deadkitties, the bow is color scriptet in 26 colors.
included are two tails - a full version and a slim version - for both attachment points stomach and pelvis.

available at the mainstore or on slx

neko tails myu

Neko ears "Myu"

Myu ears copy
Moving neko ears with a cute bow, the fur is texture scriptet, the bow is color scriptet in 26 colors. matching tails are available on slx too.

Available at the mainstore or on slx

Neko ears myu

Neko fluffy tails

tail ad copy copy
Includes Two neko tails (fluffy and not so fluffy) which are framed at the beginning in metal with spikes. the furr is texture scriptet in almost all colors from Deadkitties, so they match every hair from us!

the tails are twitch scriptet and include two tails each for attachment point stomach and pelvis.

available at the mainstore or on slx

Neko tails

Neko ears

neko ears ad copy copy
Twitchy scriptet neko ears with several silver earrings and a black diamond cross. two parts of the ears are separate texture scriptet in all deadkitties hair colors so they match every hair!

available at the mainstore or on slx

Neko ears

Hair - Cindy

cindy ad copy

Cindy is a very "girly" hair, the upper part combed to the back, hold together with a knot with some strand poking out. the under hair is open and very voluminous, the face is surrounded by some strands.

free demos are available at my

on on MVX:


Hair - Dungeon Mistress 2

dungeon mistress 2 ad copy

Dungeon Mistress 2 is a one-tail version of the original Dungeon mistress hair. The hair is a ponytail style with a very long hairslide falling down your back almost to your feet. the face is surrounded by some single bangs.
the hairslide is color scriptet in about 30 colors.

free demos are available at my

on on MVX:


Hair - Dungeon Mistress

dungeon ad copy

Dungeon Mistress is a two tail hairstyle with extra long hair, almost touching your feet. The tails have long hairslides, scriptet in about 30 colors. the face is surrounded by some single bangs.

free demos are available at my

on on MVX:


Hair - Lillith


Lillith is a very voluminous, extra long hair and has perfect movement when you dance. the upper hair is brushed back ending in a little tail hold together with hairband with spikes.
the hairband is color scriptet in about 30 colors.

free demos are available at my

on on MVX:


Hair - Lizza

lizza ad new copy

Lizza is an unusual updo with several braids wraped around the head ending in a big knot, hold with two hairsticks, with single strands hanging out. some bangs of different lenght are beside and over the face.
the braids are color scriptet in about 30 colors.

free demos are available at my

on on MVX:


hair - Luna

luna ad new copy

Luna is two tailed hairstyle, the tails hold in place with a knot and 3 braid strands. several bangs surround the face softly.
the braids are color scriptet in about 30 colors.
every color pack includes three lenghts!

free demos are available at my

on on MVX:


hair - Nadja

nadja ad copy copy

nadja is a medium to long hair with straight ponytail, completely flexi. the tail as well as the front bangs are hold in place with hairbands with ornaments.
the hairband is color scriptet in about 30 colors.
every color pack includes two lenghts!

free demos are available at my

on on MVX:



googles ad

goggles made for the vega hair, but can be worn with other hair too.
color and texture scriptet in 26 colors and 4 textures (atomic, biohazard, medical and deadkitti) through menu.

available on slx:


hair - Vega

vega ad

Vega is medium long, very wild and chaotic cyberpunk hair with many different extensions. 3 different parts are separate color scriptet in 26 colors each.
this hair is only available in black.

free demos are available at my

on on Mvx:


hair - Penny

PennyPIC copy

penny is a cute medium long hair, brushed back and falling softly curly out of a big hairknot. two strands at the front and a long strand in the back are texture scriptet in all haircolors from deadkitties.
this hair is only available in black.

free demos are available at my

on on MVX:


Mittwoch, 15. April 2009

Store Information

Even though the sign says IM, a notecard is prefered ;-)
If you hover the mouse over the sale box, you can see the price is in the description box and buy via rightclick and "pay". the buy option is not available (in the mainstore) anymore since i have a giftcard system now.


Can be purchased at the right wall at the entrance. They are available for
200 L$
250 L$
500 L$
750 L$
1000 L$
1500 L$

Giftcards are only active at the Mainstore!
To use them search for the giftcard in your inventory and wear it, it should attach to the lower left side of your screen with a hover text telling you the amount left. When you found something you want to buy, rightclick the box and select "Giftcard". From the blue menu, select "Yes".
wait a moment, your item should be delivered soon.


All Hair is mod/copy/no trans (scripts are no mod), so you can adjust/resize it to your head for perfect fit, i realy recommend to make backup copies first!
All hairstyles come with a texture change script:

if you buy ONE COLOR PACK you get only ONE HAIR.
just touch the hair and a menu will appear that lets you select the color of your choice!

means for you:
adjusting the hairs position, size, whatever only ONCE. now every color fits your head perfectly ;-)
and you save some space in your inventory (if your inventory is only half as messy as mine thats a good thing for u^^)
If you dont like the scriptet hair, you still have the option to make a copy, change to the single colors and delete the texture script ;-)

Price: 3 color pack (reds) 150 L$
4 color pack 200 L$
5 color pack 250 L$

available color packs are these:
Color packs all
you also have the option to buy single hair colors or individual color packs, you can choose from every color you like!
pricing is for single color 100 L$
4 color pack of your choice 200 L$


All silks include a strip script using the /me fuction and *your* name, for example:

[7:28] Arcana Ceawlin sensuously moves her hands over her breasts and takes off her top
[7:29] Arcana Ceawlin only takes off her clothes for her mistress!

There is one answer option for dancers, slave with master and slave with mistress for each yes

and no.


Here you can find all Deadkitties items available on xstreetsl with a short description, photos and demo.
For more informations see the Store Informations


Bloody Pleasure
Bridal Silks


Curly --- Nell
Femme Fatale

Open --- Rainy
LaFate (5L$)

Tails --- Shayla
Dungeon Mistress
Dungeon Mistress 2
Butterfly Queen
Glamy Mohawk

Updos --- Rain
Medusa (partly open)

Special/Photographer Hair
Sleeping Beauty

Unisex --- Ardyll
Decadence Mohawk


Outfits --- Belted

Boots --- Belted Boots

Accessories --- Goggles
Spikey collar & wristbands
My Heart collar & belt

Neko --- Neko ears
Neko ears "myu"
neko fluffy tails
neko tails "myu"


Diamond Galaxy
Prim Eyes

Hair - Heart

heart ad
Heart is medium to long hairstyle with flexy curls and some bangs. the hairbands of the two side tails are texture scriptet, some might remember this hair from the greatest love hunt ;-)

This hair is texture scriptet, just touch it to change color!

free demos are available at my

on on MVX:

>>>Here<<< greatest love deadkitties gift

Hair - Gaja

gaja ad copy
Gaja is an updo with some flexy strand poking out, the hair is wrapped around the invisible hairbands on both sides of the head.
This hair is texture scriptet, just touch it to change color!

free demos are available at my

on on MVX:


Sonntag, 12. April 2009

Tutorial "Veil"


today we make a simple veil you can wear as free women, on costume parties or just because you like it^^

this is what we´re going for:

first you have to create a torus (rightclick on the ground, select "create" and then the torus shape). apply the following sizes:
x = 0.090
y = 0.170
z = 0.170

hole size x = 0.15 y= 0.05

for me the sizes are slightly different like yours maybe too.
then position the torus over your nose like...well, like a veil should ;-P

go to the textures tab and leftclick the left square, a new menu appears. select the free black&red veil texture with the settings:
repeats per face: horizontal 11.400 vertikal 3.000 rotation -90.0

(or whatever looks good for you)

create another prim,
a cylinder and apply the settings and position like in the following picture:

go to the options tab and activate the flexyness, you can leave the default settings.

back to the textures tab and select the free veil texture, apply settings like in the pic:


now make a copy of that prim:
press shift and hold this key down, and drag the cylinder to the side until you get a second one and position that new one under the torus. make as much cylinders as you need to cover your face. should look something like this then:


when your ready and everything is covered we only need some final steps...while still in the build menu rightclick onto the screen (just anywhere)and keep the right mouse button down. now move the mouse over the veil we just made until its completely inside the yellow square your mouse makes now. when you got that, press ctrl down and leftclick the torus two times. this will deselect and select it again, making it our motherprim
(the last prim you selected will always be the mother prim, while all others are the "childprims". this is important for the way you can move object later)


press ctrl + l down at the same time to link our linkset together and finaly get the veil :-)
the torus should glow yellow now, while the rest is in blue or without glow (happens for small flexi prims idea why). almost done now, you only need to rightclick the veil and from the pie menu select "attach to" --> "head" --> "nose"
it will attach to you immediately, but you need to reposition it again...but if you´ve come this far, it wont be a problem for you ;-P
that was the last step, i hope you liked this tutorial and wish you good luck with it!
if you have pictures of what you made: sent me, sent me^^


Sonntag, 5. April 2009


Medusa is an updo with several strands sticking out and long hair falling down your back over your hips. The bangs are all brushed loosely to the left, almost covering your left eye.

Texture scriptet like all other hairs!

free demos are available at my

on on MVX:


Hair - Susan

Susan is a classic 60ties style, perfect for retro outfits or rockabilly night!

Texture scriptet like all other hairs!

free demos are available at my

on on MVX:
