Dienstag, 31. März 2009

Hair - Merry

Merry is a short hairstyle with wavy curls made of sculptet prims and flexis.
Texture scriptet like all other hairs!

free demos are available at my

on on MVX:


Hair - Sheyla

Sheyla is a very voluminous ponytail made of sculptet prims and flexis, some wavy bangs
surrounding the face. Sheyla is the one-tail version of the shayla hair.

free demos are available at my

on on MVX:


Montag, 23. März 2009

Bloody pleasure silks

Bloody pleasure silks, perfect for you vampires!
barbed wire entwines your body, decoratet with sculpty roses while your skin is covered in blood spreads and/or scratches.
silks and roses are separate 24 color scriptet, giving you thousand of options.


3 collars (basic, one rose, 3 roses)
2 upper arm bands (basic and full)
prim top
upper legs
3 different blood tattoos on all layers(all covered, i-can-see-everything, scratches)
modi shape

free demos are available at my

on on slx: Bloody pleasure silks

Nymph silks

Nymph silks, perfect for spring!
silver leaves and ornaments hold flowers with little gemstones, covering not much of your body ;-)
all parts are color scriptet in 6 different, bright colors plus the rainbow color
two silks ( normal and full)
2 prim tops (normal and full)
nipple chain
2 collars (normal and full)
3 upper arm parts (without silks, normal and full)
hand/forearm ornament
right upper leg ornament
2 crowns
modi shape

Free demos available at my

or on slx Nymph silks

Sonntag, 22. März 2009

second video!

here it is^^

dances are from sine wave island
everything else is from DEADKITTIES =^.^=

Freitag, 20. März 2009


watch it!
its my first video ever, its not perfect but i love it XD
and it definitely wont be the last one!

skins: frick petals skin
the dark red one

dances are from sine wave island and bell curve island

song is by nickelback - something in your mouth (love this song)

i´m open for constructive critic ;-)

Sonntag, 15. März 2009


Rainy is a very straight, simple hair without bangs and completely flexi all around. it comes in two lenghts.
(this hair is also available as updo and called rain)

Hair and free demos are available at my

or on MVX:


Hair - Rain

Rain is a classy updo, the front part of the hair is completely open while the back is up in many strands.
the hair comes with two lengthes for the front part.

Hair and free demos are available at my

or on MVX:


Hair - Nell

nell ad2 copy

Nell is a long hairstyle with flexi curls flowing down your back. The face is surrounded by some soft bangs and shorter flexi curls in the front.

*update* now with new textures!

the hair and free demos are available at my

or on SLX:







Samstag, 7. März 2009

hair - shayla

shayla is a very voluminous hairstyle with two tails, made of flexi and sculptet prims, three sculpty bangs surround the face softly.

like the other, this hair is color-pack scriptet too.

free demos are available at the

or on MVX:


Mittwoch, 4. März 2009

Black and White Bridal silks

full prim silks with additional texture layer, guaranteeing you to be the sexiest bride ever!

outfit includes:
prim top
prim silks
upper arm bands
upper leg bands
two veils (for open hair or ponytails)
texture body, stockings and gloves
mod shape

the silks are color scriptet as well as the veil, with different menu for pearls/lace for the veil or lace/skirt for the silks.
free demos are available at the


Black or White versions available


Black Bridal

White Bridal

Demo parts

Moonshine silks

This very delicate and sexy full prim silks come with the deadkitties strip script, using the /me function with 3 answer options for subs or dancer.
its glow enabled and includes micro prims and sculpties.


prim silks
prim top
upper leg band
ring thingy
3 upper arm bands (basic, bands and full)
belly ring
mod shape

texture changing in colors moon, sun, rose, cassis and meadow!

free demos available at the

or on slx here:

Moonshine silks


Dienstag, 3. März 2009

Tutorial "Retro Bangles"


bangles1 thats me after some freebie shopping^^

pretty retro, but some accessories are missing. so we will make some simple dark bangles today.

das bin ich nach etwas freebie shopping^^

sieht schon recht retro aus, aber es fehlen noch ein paar accessories, darum machen wir heute ein paar einfach, dunkle armreifen.

go to a place where you can build and rez a torus on the ground, then apply the settings as in the pic below:

geh zu einem platz wo basteln erlaubt ist und erschaffe einen torus, übernehme die gleichen einstellungen wie unten auf dem bild:


now make 4 copies of that first bangle along the z axis (the blue one). to do so press the shift key down and drag the bangle upwards. to the five bangles , from top to bottom, apply the settings as shown in the pics below:

jetzt erschaffe 4 copien von diesem ersten armreif entlang der z achse (die blaue). um das zu machen halte die umschalt taste (die wo große buchstaben macht ;-P )gedrückt und zieh deinen armreif nach oben. dann übernimm für die 5 neuen armreifen (von oben nach unten) die einstellung der bilder hier unten:




go from the objects to the textures tab now and select for every bangle shinniness --> medium

should look something like this now:

wechsel vom objekt zu den texturen einstellungen und wähle für jede armreif aus glanz --> mittel

sollte danach so in etwa aussehn:


so far, so good

but still looks a bit plain with only wood^^

i used some free textures you can get at slx (or xstreetsl...whatever) here

apply the settings as below (yeap, i like pics)

so weit, so gut

sieht aber immernoch etwas langweilig aus so ganz aus holz^^

ich hab freebie texturen benutzt die du bei slx (xstreetsl...wie auch immer) kriegen kannst und zwar hier

übernimm die einstellungen wie unten gezeigt (jup, ich mag bildchen)

bangles7 bangles8 bangles9 bangles9 bangles10

looks pretty good, huh? of course you can play with the settings and textures. if you like the result its time to link them together. select all bangles (hold shift down and select one after another), the one in the middle should be the last one, and press strg and L. now name it "Dark banlge left", right click on it and take.

schaut ganz gut aus, huh? du kannt natürlich auch andere texturen und einstellungen probieren, ganz wie´s dir gefällt. wenn du das ergebniss magst wird es zeit fürs verlinken. wähle alle armreifen (shift gedrückt halten und mit linker maustaste alle nacheinander anclicken), der in der mitte sollte der letzte ausgewählte sein, und dann drück gleichzeitig strg und L . jetzt gib ihm nur noch einen namen wie "dunkle armreifen links", rechtsclick drauf und nehmen.


search the bangles in the objects folder in your inventory. rightclick them --> attach to --> left forearm

you will have to rotate and position them though

such die armreifen in deinem objekte ordner im inventar, rechtsklick drauf --> anhängen an -->linker unterarm

du wirst sie noch etwas rotieren und verschieben müssen damit sie passen


then, thats it! we´re finished!

congrats to your new, unique bangles :-)

das wars schon! wir sind fertig!

gratuliere zu deinen neuen, einzigartigen armreifen :-)

bangles finish

Boots Belted

belted boots from deadkitties in second life

Boots from my Belted outfit

these boots have little gemstones, spikes and silver embelishments all over
all gemstones are texture scriptet via easy chat command

they can be worn as overknees or as "normal" boots

you can buy these boots at my mainstore

or on slx

Belted boots


Outfit Belted

belted outfit from deadkitties in second life

Belted is a complete outfit including:

upper arm attachments
prim beltskirt
boots (can be worn as overknee or "normal" boots)
silky body
net gloves, top, stockings

the belts have little gemstones, spikes and silver embelishments.
all gemstones are texture scriptet via simple chatcommands
the texture clothing is on several layers

you can purchase it at my mainstore or on slx



silks - spiked

spiked silks outfit from deadkitties on second life

the silks outfit spiked includes:

full prim silks (scriptet)
full prim top (scriptet)
2 pairs of upper arm attachments
left upper leg attachment

silks and bra are scriptet with my own strip script. this script speaks in /me mode with your own name and has 3 answers (dancer, mistress, master) for each yes and no.

you can buy this outfit at my mainstore

or on slx



silks - Chained

chained silks

some silks for your darker side^^

including boots

2 cloaks (with/without hoodie)

prim top and silks (both strip scriptet)

upper arm attachments

upper legs attachments


pasties and thong

+++ for one week this outfit is half price of, means 200Linden +++

you can find it in my mainstore in atria or on slx


or a free demo here

Silks - Styx silks

second life silks styx deadkitties Styx are full prim silks with gemstone textures, the single bands are surrounded with light silver metal, hold together through chains.

every pack contains:

silks (one with and one without ripaway script)
bra(one with and one without ripaway script)
lower and upper arm bracelet
leg bracelet
left upper leg bracelet

all parts exept the script are modify and therefore color and size changeable
the strip script is an exclusive deadkitties script and uses the /me style and has 3 answer options for each yes and no.

example yes-dancer :
[7:28] Arcana Ceawlin sensuously moves her hands over her breasts and takes off her top

[7:29] Arcana Ceawlin only takes off her clothes for her mistress!

for custom answers drop a notecard to Arcana Ceawlin

shape is modify too!

you can get the silks and/or a free demo (scriptet!) at my headquarter

or on slx



crystal roses




second life silks styx deadkitties

second life silks deadkitties styx second life deadkitties silks styx

Hair - Ardryll

second life hair ardryll unisexardryll is a long, half open hair with some bangs.
the hair is hold in place with a metal headband with some elvish related writing thingies on it(these are not texture, its prims).

this hair is texture scriptet!
it comes in two sizes (one for women, one for men) and is modi so fit your head perfectly. once you have the position and size you need and want to change the color just touch the hair and the menu driven script activates.

you can get the hair as well as free demos (scriptet like the original) inworld at the


or on slx here:












Hair - Femme Fatale

femme ad2
Femme Fatale is a very female style with long flowing, flexi curls falling down
the back from a loose hairknot.
the bangs are completely combed to the right with some flexi curls too.
the hair knot is hold in place with 5 hairpins, Texture scriptet!

*update* now with new textures!

scripts are no mod

all color packs and free demos are available on SLX:








ok, just moved...still tryin out stuff, will move the old posts here one after another first