Sonntag, 12. April 2009

Tutorial "Veil"


today we make a simple veil you can wear as free women, on costume parties or just because you like it^^

this is what we´re going for:

first you have to create a torus (rightclick on the ground, select "create" and then the torus shape). apply the following sizes:
x = 0.090
y = 0.170
z = 0.170

hole size x = 0.15 y= 0.05

for me the sizes are slightly different like yours maybe too.
then position the torus over your nose like...well, like a veil should ;-P

go to the textures tab and leftclick the left square, a new menu appears. select the free black&red veil texture with the settings:
repeats per face: horizontal 11.400 vertikal 3.000 rotation -90.0

(or whatever looks good for you)

create another prim,
a cylinder and apply the settings and position like in the following picture:

go to the options tab and activate the flexyness, you can leave the default settings.

back to the textures tab and select the free veil texture, apply settings like in the pic:


now make a copy of that prim:
press shift and hold this key down, and drag the cylinder to the side until you get a second one and position that new one under the torus. make as much cylinders as you need to cover your face. should look something like this then:


when your ready and everything is covered we only need some final steps...while still in the build menu rightclick onto the screen (just anywhere)and keep the right mouse button down. now move the mouse over the veil we just made until its completely inside the yellow square your mouse makes now. when you got that, press ctrl down and leftclick the torus two times. this will deselect and select it again, making it our motherprim
(the last prim you selected will always be the mother prim, while all others are the "childprims". this is important for the way you can move object later)


press ctrl + l down at the same time to link our linkset together and finaly get the veil :-)
the torus should glow yellow now, while the rest is in blue or without glow (happens for small flexi prims idea why). almost done now, you only need to rightclick the veil and from the pie menu select "attach to" --> "head" --> "nose"
it will attach to you immediately, but you need to reposition it again...but if you´ve come this far, it wont be a problem for you ;-P
that was the last step, i hope you liked this tutorial and wish you good luck with it!
if you have pictures of what you made: sent me, sent me^^


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